Meeting History

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The Spirit of Presentations Past

Next Meeting

When June 19th (The 3rd Wednesday of every month)

Presenter arrives by 6:30 to setup. Introductions and business start at 6:45 Presentation starts at 7!

Where 4345 Southpoint Blvd, 4th Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32216
Topic Demons Use the Metric System
Synopsis Scripts, Executables, Aliases, Units, Daemons, Jobs
Presented By Tiffany
Food Sponsor Ramon

When March 20th (The 3rd Wednesday of every month) @6:30 PM
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic Back to basics... tar, ssh and dd
Synopsis The quintessential talk on transferring files securely over the network.
Presented By Rob McKennon
Food Sponsor Ramon

When February 21st (The 3rd Wednesday of every month) @6:30 PM
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic Persistence, Storage, SSH and Linux! ???
Synopsis Ramblings of a sysadmin (Docker, ssh and all the battles)
Presented By BobaFett2010
Food Sponsor tba
When July 19th (The 3rd Wednesday of every month) @6:30 PM
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic Command-line 201
Synopsis GUIs are ok, but the real work gets done on the command-line. Learn the nuances of basic BASH syntax: brackets, forward ticks, single quotes, IF conditions etc.. as well as using CRON and wget.
Presented By Rob McKennon
Food Sponsor Ralph Figueroa: Pizza and Soda

When June 21st (The 3rd Wednesday of every month)
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic Command-line 101
Synopsis GUIs are ok, but the real work gets done on the command-line. Learn how to navigate the filesystem and the basic commands to get the work done!
Presented By rm-rf and others
Food Sponsor TBA
Wednesday, May 17th, 6:30pm
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic Build a Wiki with MediaWiki
Synopsis MediaWiki is a website construction suite that allows users to put up static webpages almost in a blink of an eye. We will go through some of the things you need: where to find the software, hardware prerequisites, various command syntaxes, just to help you get started.
Presented By Ralph Figueroa
Food Sponsor N/A
Wednesday, April 19th, 6:30pm
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic JaxLUG Monthly Meeting - Jack and the Rosegarden
Synopsis Jack and the Rosegarden will introduce you to Jack (an audio connection kit) and the Rosegarden (the free software digital audio work station developed for Linux using ALSA and QT4) Not only does Rosegarden provide Audio and MIDI sequencing, but scorewriting, musical composition and editing tools as well.
Presented By Rob Mckennon
Food Sponsor N/A
Wednesday, March 15th, 6:30pm
Where Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville

7405 Arlington Expy · Jacksonville, FL

Topic JaxLUG Monthly Meeting - GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
Synopsis GIMP is an Open Source image manipulation program which offers an extremely versatile set of tools which rival its larger closed sourced competitor. GIMP can be used in various use case scenarios from the creation of websites, right down to designing newsletters. We will be showing how to implement this software for your everyday software needs.
Presented By Ralph Figueroa
Food Sponsor N/A